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UPDATED JULY 2024: The Fair Work system in Australia is designed to ensure equitable treatment of employees, and the Architects Award plays a pivotal role within this framework. Serving as an integral component of the system, the Architects Award influences the economic landscape of architectural employment in the country. With a notable 3.75% increase in modern award rates effective from July 2024, its important that employers and employees are aware of their obligations and rights under the Fair Work system. It serves as a crucial guide for enforcing minimum employment terms and conditions, drawing on the combined guidance of the National Employment Standards (NES) and Modern Awards.

These are minimum standards for all employees.

The Architects Awards Infographic
The National Employment Standards

Beyond mere financial considerations, the impact of the Architects Award extends to shaping the ethos of workplace culture and the trajectory of professional growth within architectural firms. Adhering to the stipulations of the award is synonymous with promoting equitable practices in the workplace. This entails ensuring entitlements such as flexible work schedules, parental leave, annual holidays, personal/carer's leaves, and other benefits. Architectural firms that rigorously abide by both the Architects Award and the 11 NES provisions take deliberate measures to create workplaces where employee well-being is prioritised and their professional advancement is championed.

The Architects Award 2024


Full-time & part-time


Weekly pay rate

Hourly pay rate

Public holiday


Level 1 - graduate of architecture - entry





Level 1 - graduate of architecture - 1st pay point





Level 1 - graduate of architecture - 2nd pay point





Level 2(a) - experienced graduate of architecture





Level 2(b) - registered architect - entry





Level 2(b) - registered architect - 1st pay point





Level 2(b) - registered architect - 2nd pay point







Hourly pay rate

Public holiday


Level 1 - graduate of architecture - entry




Level 1 - graduate of architecture - 1st pay point




Level 1 - graduate of architecture - 2nd pay point




Level 2(a) - experienced graduate of architecture




Level 2(b) - registered architect - entry




Level 2(b) - registered architect - 1st pay point




Level 2(b) - registered architect - 2nd pay point




Student of Architecture

Full-time & part-time


Hourly pay rate

Public holiday


Under 21 years of age - first 13 weeks of employment




Under 21 years of age - next 13 weeks of employment (14 - 26 weeks)




Under 21 years of age - next 26 weeks of employment (27 - 52 weeks)




Under 21 years of age - 2nd year of experience




Under 21 years of age - 3rd year of experience




21 years of age and over - less than 3 years experience




21 years of age and over - 3rd year of experience






Hourly pay rate

Public holiday


Under 21 years of age - first 13 weeks of employment




Under 21 years of age - next 13 weeks of employment (14 - 26 weeks)




Under 21 years of age - next 26 weeks of employment (27 - 52 weeks)




Under 21 years of age - 2nd year of experience




Under 21 years of age - 3rd year of experience




21 years of age and over - less than 3 years experience




21 years of age and over - 3rd year of experience




Bachelor’s Degree with a pathway to a Master of Architecture

Full-time & part-time


Hourly pay rate

Public holiday


Bachelor's degree with a pathway to a Master of Architecture




Bachelor's degree with a pathway to a Master of Architecture




Bachelor's degree with a pathway to a Master of Architecture






Hourly pay rate

Public holiday


Bachelor's degree with a pathway to a Master of Architecture




Bachelor's degree with a pathway to a Master of Architecture




Bachelor's degree with a pathway to a Master of Architecture







Equipment reimbursement

reimbursement for the cost of purchasing relevant technical equipment

Excess travel costs allowance - not overnight - working away from usual workplace

an allowance equivalent to all daily fares more than the normal fares to and from home to work

Meal allowance - working away from usual workplace - air travel

$11.76 for each meal period occurring during travel

Overnight expenses allowance - working away from usual workplace

an allowance equivalent to all reasonable expenses

Permanent transfer of employee allowance

an allowance equivalent to travelling fares, temporary lodging costs and cost of transporting the family from the old to the new residence

Protective / special clothing allowance

reimbursement for the cost of the protective clothing

Training and professional development reimbursement

reimbursement for the cost of attending a conference or similar or undertaking a training course

Travel allowance - working away from usual workplace

an allowance to cover appropriate travel arrangements

Travelling time allowance - working away from usual workplace

the appropriate rate for travel time more than the normal travel time to and from home to work

Vehicle allowance

$0.98 per km

Frequently asked questions

What is the Architects Award in Australia?

The Architects Award in Australia refers to the award system that provides minimum terms and conditions of employment for employees in the architectural industry. This system ensures that employees receive fair pay and working conditions according to industry standards.

The award system is managed and overseen by the Fair Work Commission, the national workplace relations tribunal in Australia. The commission ensures that modern awards, such as the Architects Award, are updated and maintained in line with the needs of the industries they cover.

The Architects Award will typically set out the minimum wage rates, types of employment, hours of work, overtime and penalty rates, allowances, leave entitlements, and other conditions that apply to employees in the architectural sector.

If you're interested in the specific details or current provisions of the Architects Award, you might want to visit the Fair Work Commission website or the Fair Work Ombudsman website, where they provide updated details on the various awards that are in effect across different industries in Australia.

In Australia, the National Employment Standards (NES) set the 11 minimum employment entitlements that have to be provided to all employees. These entitlements cover areas like maximum weekly hours, requests for flexible working arrangements, various types of leave (annual leave, personal/carers leave, compassionate leave, etc.), public holidays, notice of termination, and redundancy pay, among others..

Where can I find detailed information about the latest award rates?

To find detailed information about the latest award rates in Australia, including the Architects Award, you should refer to the Fair Work Commission's official website. The Fair Work Commission is responsible for reviewing and setting award wages, and their website contains the most up-to-date and comprehensive details on each award.

Is there a pay calculator available on Fair Work?

Yes, the Fair Work Ombudsman's website provides a "Pay Calculator" known as the "Pay and Conditions Tool" (PACT). This tool helps employers and employees calculate pay rates, leave entitlements, overtime, and penalty rates under the modern awards.

Using the Pay and Conditions Tool, you can:

  1. Determine base pay rates.
  2. Calculate overtime and penalty rates for specific hours worked.
  3. Work out allowances that may be applicable.
  4. Understand various leave entitlements and calculate leave payments.