Words by Alix Lung
About WildStudio
Founded in 2020, WildStudio is a design studio that celebrates the beauty of our urban landscape. With a deep commitment to community and a passion for shaping towns and cities, WILD collaborates with clients on projects that have a positive impact. Led by Andrew Green, an acclaimed landscape architect and avid world traveler, WILD is dedicated to creating urban spaces that bring people together and reconnect them with nature.
What is your role at WILDStudio?
I’m a Designer at WILDStudio. I have degrees in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning, and work on a lot of public realm projects – from concept to construction. We have a tight team and we all work very closely together, bringing unique skills and perspectives to projects.

Why did you choose landscape architecture / urban planning as a career?
I always had a fascination with the built environment. I grew up in suburbia and experienced the constraints of living in the outer suburbs – dominated by cars, highly insular and inward facing - and felt very strongly that there were better alternatives. I was a late bloomer when it comes to studying, but when I found Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning I fell in love. I love that our profession is centered around creating public places – equitable spaces that provide comfort, security, and freedom and that provide a connection to nature. What more could you ask for?!
Where was your first landscape architecture / urban planning job?
I started working early in my studies at a firm that did a lot of residential masterplanning projects. It taught me pretty quickly what I loved and didn’t love about those kinds of projects and it gave me a greater appreciation of the pressures of planning, designing and building new residential suburbs. Ultimately it wasn’t where I wanted to end up – but I’m incredibly grateful for the experience. While knowing what you love to do is important, I believe it’s equally important to know what doesn’t work for you.

Best piece of advice you could give to job seekers who are currently looking / applying for roles?
Finding a job and a team that suits your personality, personal preferences and work/life commitments can sometimes be difficult. Don’t be afraid to try new things, be honest about your expectations and be open to new opportunities. Above all, don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and have a chat. We work in an incredibly supportive industry, and I’ve never met somebody who isn’t happy to have a chat over a coffee.
The biggest mistake you see applicants make with their job applications?
Don’t just tell employers what you can do, tell them why you do it. What drives you and your level of enthusiasm is a big part of who you are and what you bring to the team.
Is WildStudio currently hiring?
Yes, WILDStudio has an exciting opportunity for a dedicated BIM leader and modeller with at least 5 years experience who enjoys the challenge of working on city-shaping projects that blur the boundaries between landscape architecture and urban design.
Discover more about this exciting opportunity by exploring the full job description on CO-architecture below.

Want to learn more about WildStudio
If you're curious to know more about WildStudio, you can check out Wildstudio's company profile on CO-architecture. It's a great place to discover their impressive projects like Jubilee Place and Hotel, and gain valuable insights into their work.

This article is part of our Talking Careers series, a series focused on discussing various careers, providing insights, sharing professional experiences, and offering advice related to architecture and design jobs.